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Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health edition by Dr Redford Williams Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Kostenloser PDF Reader UZZ

Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health edition by Dr Redford Williams Health Fitness Dieting eBooks ebook FIF

Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health edition by Dr Redford Williams Health Fitness Dieting eBooks ebook Anger%20Kills%20Seventeen%20Strategies%20for%20Controlling%20Hostility%20That%20Can%20Harm%20Your%20Health%20%20edition%20by%20Dr%20Redford%20Williams%20Health%20Fitness%20Dieting%20eBooks


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ebook Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health edition by Dr Redford Williams Health Fitness Dieting eBooks FIF

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  • Anger kills. We’re speaking here not about the anger that drives people to shoot, stab, or otherwise wreak havoc on their fellow humans. We mean instead the everyday sort of anger, annoyance, and irritation that courses through the minds and bodies of many perfectly normal people.

    • If your immediate impulse when faced with everyday delays or frustrations—elevators that don’t immediately arrive at your floor, slow-moving supermarket lines, dawdling drivers, rude teenagers, broken vending machines—is to blame somebody;
    • If this blaming quickly sparks your ire toward the offender;
    • If your ire often manifests itself in aggressive action;

    then, for you, getting angry is like taking a small dose of some slow-acting poison—arsenic, for example—every day of your life. And the result is often the same Not tomorrow, perhaps, or even the day after, but sooner than most of us would wish, your hostility is more likely to harm your health than will be the case for your friend whose personality is not tinged by the tendencies to cynicism, anger, and aggression just described.

    In Anger Kills, learn how to recognize the symptoms of chronic anger in yourself, avoid feelings of hostility, and deal with hostility from others.
    ebook,Dr Redford Williams,Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health,Crown,Emotions,Anger,Anger;Health aspects.,Coronary heart disease,Coronary heart disease;Prevention.,Coronary heart disease;Psychosomatic aspects.,Emotions,GENERAL,General Adult,Health aspects,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Non-Classifiable,Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY / Emotions,Prevention,Psychology,Psychosomatic aspects,Self Help,United States,Non-Classifiable,PSYCHOLOGY / Emotions,Anger,Coronary heart disease,Health aspects,Prevention,Psychosomatic aspects,Psychology,Health/Fitness

    Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health edition by Dr Redford Williams Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews :

    Anger kills. We’re speaking here not about the anger that drives people to shoot, stab, or otherwise wreak havoc on their fellow humans. We mean instead the everyday sort of anger, annoyance, and irritation that courses through the minds and bodies of many perfectly normal people.

    • If your immediate impulse when faced with everyday delays or frustrations—elevators that don’t immediately arrive at your floor, slow-moving supermarket lines, dawdling drivers, rude teenagers, broken vending machines—is to blame somebody;
    • If this blaming quickly sparks your ire toward the offender;
    • If your ire often manifests itself in aggressive action;

    then, for you, getting angry is like taking a small dose of some slow-acting poison—arsenic, for example—every day of your life. And the result is often the same Not tomorrow, perhaps, or even the day after, but sooner than most of us would wish, your hostility is more likely to harm your health than will be the case for your friend whose personality is not tinged by the tendencies to cynicism, anger, and aggression just described.

    In Anger Kills, learn how to recognize the symptoms of chronic anger in yourself, avoid feelings of hostility, and deal with hostility from others.

    ebook,Dr Redford Williams,Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health,Crown,Emotions,Anger,Anger;Health aspects.,Coronary heart disease,Coronary heart disease;Prevention.,Coronary heart disease;Psychosomatic aspects.,Emotions,GENERAL,General Adult,Health aspects,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Non-Classifiable,Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY / Emotions,Prevention,Psychology,Psychosomatic aspects,Self Help,United States,Non-Classifiable,PSYCHOLOGY / Emotions,Anger,Coronary heart disease,Health aspects,Prevention,Psychosomatic aspects,Psychology,Health/Fitness

    Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health - edition by Dr Redford Williams. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Anger Kills Seventeen Strategies for Controlling Hostility That Can Harm Your Health.


    Product details

    • File Size 5512 KB
    • Print Length 228 pages
    • Publisher Crown; 1st edition (November 14, 2012)
    • Publication Date November 14, 2012
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    • ASIN B009UAO14W
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